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Wayne Farms

Wayne Farms believes in being an active custodian when it comes to responsibly caring for our animals, our people, the environment and our community. From humble beginning, Wayne Farms has grown to become one of today’s leading poultry producers - and we’ve done it by listening, collaborating and innovating. We offer a wide range of high-quality products available in several brands and packages to meet our customer’s needs. From their living quarters, to their diet, our chickens are treated with respect and dignity. We are proud to partner with family farmers who provide best-in-class animal husbandry.

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Mary’s Free Range Poultry

Mary’s Free-Range Poultry is produced by Pitman Farms, a family owned business that has been raising poultry for three generations. Mary’s poultry is raised naturally in the beautiful weather in California. They live year round with access to the outdoors. We watch them everyday to make sure they are comfortable and happy. We make every effort to treat our animals as humanely as possible throughout the production process.

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Koch Foods

Koch Foods is proud to be one of the largest poultry processors in the United States. We focus on providing the highest quality products and unmatched service throughout the poultry growing, manufacturing and distribution process. Our vast resources, vertically integrated capabilities and continual success in providing our partners with customized solutions have made us an industry leader.

Squab ProducersSquab Producers of California, an agricultural cooperative, has been providing Squab and specialty poultry to a discerning clientele since 1943.

Squab Producers

Squab Producers of California, an agricultural cooperative, has been providing Squab and specialty poultry to a discerning clientele since 1943.

Michigan Turkey ProducersRaising organic turkeys is no small task. It takes knowledgeable, passionate people to ensure a successful organic program. Our experienced family of growers is obsessed with providing the cleanest, purest turkeys on earth. Taste for yourself the Michigan Turkey Producers difference.

Michigan Turkey Producers

Raising organic turkeys is no small task. It takes knowledgeable, passionate people to ensure a successful organic program. Our experienced family of growers is obsessed with providing the cleanest, purest turkeys on earth. Taste for yourself the Michigan Turkey Producers difference.

Marion AcresAll of our animals are pasture-raised. We believe in holistic land management, rotational grazing & sustainable practices; raising our animals with care & respect every step of the way. We’re excited to continue to offer our clients only the very highest quality meat available on the market. Our animals are moved onto a new plot of fresh, green, bug-filled, pesticide-free pasture every single day. Chickens & turkeys are processed on site by us and packaged with care. You have never tasted anything like these!

Marion Acres

All of our animals are pasture-raised. We believe in holistic land management, rotational grazing & sustainable practices; raising our animals with care & respect every step of the way.

We’re excited to continue to offer our clients only the very highest quality meat available on the market. Our animals are moved onto a new plot of fresh, green, bug-filled, pesticide-free pasture every single day. Chickens & turkeys are processed on site by us and packaged with care. You have never tasted anything like these!